Star Anise

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Anise (Pimpinella anise), an annual herb belonging to the Apiaceous family of parsleys, is harvested primarily for its fruits, known as anise seeds, which have a flavor similar to licoricey. It bears flowers and a little white fruit called anise seed, and it can reach a height of up to 3 feet (1 meter). The ground or whole seeds are used to make teas (either by themselves or in conjunction with other aromatic herbs), as well as a variety of regional and ethnic sweets, such as black jelly beans (which are frequently sold as having a licorice flavor). Get the best quantity and quality Star Anise at Prakrtih Spice Kart.

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It qualaty is bast but it price so high. but the pen holder Colar is very sini but sige is rifgt i like

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